Wake-Up Call – Join LAVI BEATS And Sing Along To His Freedom Song For All Suppressed Women

Works faster than caffeine

24 October 2022

Miami’s DJ/producer/musician LAVI BEATS invites us to sing a long to his
new anthem FOR FREEDOM (BARAYE AZADI), that focuses on the struggle
of young women fighting for freedom of personal choice.

Beats: “Every day we are witnessing demonstrations for freedom of personal choice
by young women in major cities around the world. We produced this song to publicize
this struggle.”

The lyrics are inspired by a song, titled Baraye Azadi by Iranian singer-songwriter
Shervin Hajipour . A protest song to support human rights and freedom, especially
for women in Iran.

If the whole wide world doesn’t raise up in unity to support
all suppressed women on this male-dominated planet, nothing
will change.

It’s never too late to act. Let’s start right now, right here,
all together in good spirits, moving to the beat…

LAVI BEATS: Instagram