29 April 2024

Who: Singer-songwriter from Ontario (Canada) who spent her formative
years hard at work training to be a prolific writer, musician, performer, actor,
dancer, activist and cycling through various superpowers via extensive
maladaptive daydreaming.

Debut single: EVERYBODY OUT

Martel: “I wrote Everybody Out at a point in my life when my social anxiety was really at its peak. The thing is, I figured it would have been its worst as a kid in elementary school getting picked on and not, embarrassingly, as a 20something just trying to attend a party of some very nice seeming people from my college program. I had already been out in the working world for a while and thought I was over it and had gained a bit more confidence and social skills but I realized I really just hadn’t been in a group of new people in a while and once that happened I may as well have been 13 again. If I said something I felt like an alien trying to pretend to have a human conversation.

The funny thing is, I really wanted to be friends with these people and there was nothing actually standing in my way except me just not knowing how to be normal in any capacity. So when I finally sat down to write out all the lyrics I wanted to really emphasize the contradictory nature of this kind of anxiety where it has you running for the hills to get away from everyone but only because you so desperately want to connect with people and care far too much about every minor interaction just hoping it will be good.”

TUTV: Social anxiety in motion, uncontrollable remotion, mind-disturbing commotion.
Martel translates all these turbulent sensitivities in a blistering power pop tune
energized by a pounding, one-note piano beat, her raging voice and the exploding
chorus. Wham bam, bloody wham bam. Showtime.

Resistance is futile, there’s only thing you want to do, is hit the street and go berserk
while screaming at the top of your lungs, everybody out, everybody get the fuck out to
loose their marbles until all demons are crushed. Absolute cry out top debut!



LM: Instagram

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