GRAMPFATHER – New York Indies Have Their New Guitar-Layered Album ‘LAUGH LINES’ Out

20 May 2024

Who: Indie 4-piece from Kingston, NY

New album: LAUGH LINES

James Kwapisz (guitar and vocals): “We jumped around a bunch genre-wise
in our previous albums, but this project is more of a focused indie-rock record.
It’s been brewing and marinating for a while and we’re real proud of it.”

TUTV: Laugh Lines‘s songs move and groove in different sonic directions
at different paces. Pop, rock, garage, post-punk, even prog-rock moments
(like the instrumental Whalesong), make it a versatile record with effervescent
guitars and singer Kwapisz’s storytelling vocality prominently present.

Most of the 11 tracks have a capricious structure, going left/right, forth and back,
yet somehow they’re all family. No songs about the birds and bees for Grampfather,
it’s all about social observations/thoughts with a philosophical approach (check all
lyrics on Bandcamp).

Solid songwriting, layered and electrifying arrangements and
surprising sonic mood swings make Laugh Lines a discovery album.

Single/video: Dredging



Grampfather: Linktree

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