British Indies HARD-FI Share First New Track In 10 Years – Hear The Brassy ‘DON’GO MAKING PLANS’ Here

Daily noise that works faster than a stream of caffeine

21 May 2024

UK pop/rock team HARD-FI scored three successful albums between 2003 and 2014.
Then they called it a day but returned in 2022 for some live action. They all got in the mood again and wrote/recorded a brand new song now, named DON’T GO MAKING PLANS.

Press photo

It’s an infectious, brassy tune that bounces around with dance-inviting oomph.

“Where’s everybody? Where’s everyone? / I’m coming out tonight, I wanna have some fun /
But these empty streets and shut-up bars/ Too broke to eat, to nowhere to dance.

Wake up, people, HF is
back in indie town.



Hard-Fi: Instagram

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