CASTLE BLACK – Pepped-Up Brooklyn Duo Fights Mental Demons On New Fierce Single ‘FLY (JUST TRY)’

Daily electricity to load your batteries

22 May 2024

Who: Brooklyn NY based rock/grunge/post-punk duo Leigh Celent and
Joey Russo, who sound much larger than what one might expect from
a two-piece.

New single: FLY (JUST TRY)

“This track is very special, as it was written about the struggle people have with chronic
illness, especially one in which your body seems to turn on you at times, and support you
in other ways.

This song is explicitly written from Leigh’s perspective of having dealt with endometriosis for most of her life, and, more recently diagnosed, adenomyosis and fibrods. This song is a tribute to all those suffering from not just these conditions, but any condition that has caused someone pain.”

TUTV: Helter-skelter! Fly (Just Try) detonates from the first second with deranged drums going bonkers and paranoic guitars racing at the speed of a reckless hotrod on the run, while Celent‘s fierce and determinant vocals add extra fuel to this head-spinning ebullition.

Midway, the two-member army go for a quick breather before restarting their
overdrive outburst. The track feels/sounds like a raging, exorcistic swipe aimed
at smashing all mind-troubling demons. Helter-skelter, indeed!




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