L’ITCH – Belgian Misfits Are Back With Big Stoner-Punk-Rock Banger ‘FA ZHOU’

Daily electricity to load your batteries

23 May 2024

Credit: Sam Coussens

Band: L’ITCH
Who: Rowdy Belgian indies from Antwerp. So far, they
have one album, Urges (2020), on their résumé.

New single: FA ZHOU

Sander Rom (frontman): “As I commuted to work completely consumed by my creative obsession, the train woke me up at the right time. Moments later, I drew the skeleton of
Fa Zhou in an almost full notebook. The lady in front of me probably thought I was crazy.”

TUTV: After their 2020 debut album Urges, these misfits disappeared from Planet Noizz
for 4 years, but they make up for the hiatus now with this big stoner-punk-rock banger. Sounds like the prime queen of the stone age, Josh Homme, has produced Fa Zhou.

Schizoid guitars fly around, the manic drummer hits his gear as if he’s an octopus
on testosterone and the clamorous vocalist tests the range of his four lungs. Wham
bloody groove bang! Alert your neighbours and check your stereo’s fitness before
turning up the decibels with this comeback stormer. Hells bells.



L’Itch: Instagram

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